De La Salle College
Senior School
Our Curriculum
During the first two years at De La Salle College Senior School, our educational programme offers our students a broad education followed by specialisation in the last three years. This includes a vast variety of subjects including technology, computer sciences and vocational subjects. The school also offers a Secondary Education Applied Certificate (SEAC) in Mathematics, Prince’s Trust and Individual Educational Programmes (IEP) for students with special educational needs. Our highly qualified staff ensure that all students, of different academic abilities are catered for. Our Senior Management, Year Heads, Form Tutors, Mentors, Guidance Teachers, Study Skills teachers, Department Heads, Subject Teachers and Learning Support Educators all work hand in hand to monitor and motivate every single student in our care.
Our Curriculum
Forms 1, 2 & 3
During the first three years in the senior school, our students are exposed to a range of study subjects as well as subjects aimed at their personal development. The educational programme during these three years is aimed at giving a sound foundation whilst enabling the students to discover their strengths and preferences. Core subjects include Maths, English, Maltese, Religion, Science, Geography, History, a foreign language (French, Italian, German) PSCD, D&T, PE, ICT, Art and Drama.
A sounding exercise is carried out towards the end of Form 2. The students are given the opportunity to choose three options at the end of Form 2. This exercise involves asking the students which subjects they would like to pursue, based on their academic strengths and preferences. The SMT then analyses the preferences indicated and formulates the option classes to best suit the needs of the individual students.
The students will be able to get a taste of their preferred subjects throughout Form 3. This will give them a firsthand experience of what the subject is really all about and what study content it contains. By the end of Form 3, the students would have acquired an idea of their strengths in the subject. At the end of Form 3, the student is given the opportunity to revisit his subject choice. The student can drop/change a subject. This is done so that the student has the opportunity to define his career path after having experienced the subjects.
Option Subjects
The following options are currently being offered in our senior school:
- Chemistry,
- Biology,
- Accounts,
- VET Hospitality,
- Art,
- Design and Technology,
- Graphical Communication,
- Computing,
- Physical Education,
- Economics,
- Prince’s Trust,
- Geography,
- History,
- EU Studies,
- Business Studies
Our Curriculum
Forms 4 & 5
These are the years leading on to the Matsec Exam. The students would now be focusing on this important exam. The lessons are designed by our professional members of staff to best cater for this exam. Vast training is given in the subjects and priority to academia is given.
In form 4 and 5 the students continue to study their core subjects and focus on the options they have chosen in preparation for their Matsec exam at the end of form 5