Important Dates

De La Salle College

Junior School

Important Dates

The calendar found below provides parents/guardians with information about activities and events as well as important dates during the scholastic year. It is important to view the calendar periodically in case of any changes or updates.  


Term 1

25th September, 2023Start of Scholastic Year for school staff
27th September, 2023Start of Scholastic Year and 1st Term for students
1st - 3rd November, 2023Mid-Term Holidays
17th NovemberCOPE for Staff (No School For Students)
7th DecemberOnline Parents' Day (No School For Students)
8th December, 2023Public Holiday
13th December, 2023Public Holiday
21st h December, 2023Last Day of 1st Term
22nd December 2023- 5th January,2024Christmas Holidays

Term 2

8th January, 2024Start of 2nd Term
12th - 14th February, 2024Mid-Term Holidays
19th March, 2024Public Holiday
22nd March, 2024Last Day of 2nd Term
25th March - 5th April, 2024Easter Holidays

Term 3

8th April, 2024Start of 3rd Term
1st May, 2024Public Holiday
15th May, 2024Celebration of Founder?s Day at all schools
15th May, 2024Start of Summer timetable
7th June, 2024Public Holiday
25h June, 2024Last day of 3rd Term and end of scholastic year for students
4th July, 2024Last day of 3rd Term and end of scholastic year for staff

The dates for Examination sessions, Parents' Days and
dates for Professional Development Sessions for staff (COPE days) will be communicated at a later date.