SMCS Latest News 7 – Festa Dei Colori

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Stella Maris College

Senior School

Festa Dei Colori


Festa Dei Colori

Following the success of our young sailors and pirates at the Gozo carnival last May, Stella Maris was invited to participate in the Festa Dei Colori, a carnival competition in Ballestrate, Sicily. An entourage of around 80 students, teachers and parents attended the event which consisted of a parade along the Ballestrate lungomare and the dance itself. The occassion was attended by several Maltese and Sicilian dance troupes.

Apart from the opportunity for boys to demonstrate their dancing skills, the four days in the Citta Del Mare resort, were an opportunity for families to get to know each other and discover another aspect of the Lasallian spirit.Thanks to the hard work of Ms.Janica and Ms. Jade who trained the boys, together with all the help from the attending staff, the event was one that will remain in the memories of everyone for quite a while.